An Online Master’s Degree, is worth the money?

The U.S. unemployment rate is currently seven point nine percent, over 15 million Americans have filed for unemployment insurance since the pandemic began in March 2020, and it is still not clear when the economic recession will end. During the 2008 financial crisis, many Americans went back to school to ride out the recession. But … Read more

The ultimate 5 points strategy to be successful in college

All throughout the internet you are going to find thousands of pages uncovering the infallible strategies to be successful in college. Well, stop looking. It’s actually a matter of 5 essential points. If you develop them well, your success in college will be guaranteed and, as many say, these will be the best years of … Read more

Go to college with these 15 handy tips

Going to college is an exiting time for students and their parents. However, it may also seem a bit overwhelming. There is a lot of work that goes into applying and going to college. Use the tips in this article to help ease the stress of going to college. Use online resources to study at … Read more

Health Insurance for student visa in Spain

Medical Insurance for international students that are traveling to Spain and need to obtain the Spain Student Visa